Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dang it's a hot night.


 A dog barking from way down in the canyon.    Sea swell.    Owl shrill.   

 This hilltop, redolent of ganja plant, Venus retrograding ready to back off and let the men figure it out. 

Fox pups conversing with the night. Autumn in Mendocino.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


There was this thing that happened.

Life took off my flesh my meat my blood my nerves my filament
        moss&lichen replace marrow
                    being awake replaces being taken.

50 ravens.

 Throwing up my/wings/ arms.


 flippy floppy swishy swooshy I’ll never forget those things that happened
 the difference between deep green and black is now
 the difference between watershed&vein. 








           not  now. not 


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ode to margaret goldsmith

Intrinsic coolness.

 The very tiny tips of maple leaf  caught    on    fire.


Cliff dwelling dashed for mountain top

Sunset dashed for the sea          the color of a pearl 
you know what ?

 I  once thought I knew everything or at least something
 but     now       no         now
 the color of persimmons

 offspring disguised as birds of prey.


The upanishads become oracle&salt becomes blood  here this here.look.

“”When people depart from this world, it is to the moon that they all go. By means of their life breaths the moon swells up in the fortnight of waxing, and through the fortnight of waning it propels them to new birth. Now, the moon is the door to the heavenly world. It allows those who answer its question to pass. As to those who do not answer its question, after they have become rain, it rains them down here on earth, where they are born again in these various conditions — as a worm, an insect, a fish, a bird, a lion, a boar, a rhinoceros, a tiger, a man, or some other creature — each in accordance with his actions and his knowledge.” — Kausitaki Upanishad