Moon Transits (useful a few hours)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I took my banjo down to the seaside
I walk circles
in the dirt
with the taste of salt in my mouth
my lips are blistered and parched by a sun
so unkind
so hot
that I can fry an egg on the palm of my hand.
I will one day walk on water a saline lake tipped by
Stalagmites crafted by diamonds noble spire&peak.
I walked in circles
on the edge of that volcano for so long that my skin
became the color of molten lava
and hardened as if I were a new continent forming/a metate to grind corn/a sea wall/a wedding dress on fire
I walk circles around the planet Jupiter begging for some lucky star to
Befriend me /o beneficent tide pool.
o carnelian chalice.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Unfathomable Sadness&The Pithy Heart of an Acorn
The fog rolled back and forth over
Moat Creek sixteen times
this morning undecided it seems
leaving only enough moisture as if one were to feed water
into a bird’s mouth with an eyedropper just a tease.
I see things Differently now but am still tangled in that story about how we might
have been Eurydice and Orpheus in a new historical and mythos of modern love,
Not quarantined to this realm of faerie and mossy tomb
not this life with no clear
path before me warmed by sun&steam.
I can sing like an angel when I drive my car and I will charm the Lord of the Dead with my finely painted map of Hades
with my newly acquired caution
my sing songy irreverent mocking of Cause&Effect.
my refined beguilement
I will steal the heart of the Lord of the Dead, preserve it in
a silver acorn
worn around my neck hung from the fishing line
I cut from Neptune’s hook.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
meditations as mercury stations direct
How small black birds drink water from crevices in the asphalt at dawn
How grief sits in your belly telling stories and singing songs about sunlight
How the quiet sits on you like a terrible sister
How the redwood orchid erupts from the despair of slash and arrives as would
a smile
How patient longing can be
How survival is no longer the goal but becomes the breath
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
We played that glass bead game didn’t we ?
Carelessly throwing turtle shells into bonfires
traveling roads that were cracked and dangerous.
I never in a million years thought it would come to this, where I prayed to the flurries crushed diamonds with my bare hands burned the effigy of moss and petulance.
We once believed love was silver and ancient as a hopi burial ground we once made love under a blanket of crushed rose petals we once saw music in stars and vapor.
To grow up this year was hard . My skin is no longer soft. Do you remember how the high desert looks in summer where the earth is cracked as a map of the rivers of the world might look ? the confluence of tributary the complexity of tides and currents.
Everything has changed and nothing will ever be the same as you stole the coral from my heart and gave it to cannibals
you will never remember that I smell like vanilla and roses
you will never remember how I softened your night terrors and lit your darkness.
I am tired.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Sabian symbol meaning for twenty three degrees aries
Blown Inward By The Wind, The Curtains Of An Open Window Take The Shape Of A Cornucopia
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Faery Sutra
I thought I was doing the right thing
all hunkered down and quiet here wrapped up like
an Eskimo.
I sheltered myself , wrote sonnets on the discarded skins
of lizards painted wings on the backs of sparrows .
I told myself stories about sunlight and water.
I resisted all my urges to return to the place where I had once
Caught Fire
I was forming new skin with dark blue type written as
sacred slogans tattooed on these hands that now feel so helpless.
I took refuge inside a moss covered old growth redwood stump
You know, the one I asked to be buried in.
I stayed there despite:
the wind pounding against walls around me of indescribable green
the wind makings sounds of an old woman’s creaking bones
the wind muffling a crying woman’s lament
the wind in an argument with the rigid fallen forest.
I left this place for a moment and when I was not paying attention the other shoe dropped.
The wind screamed at me from across the road as if to say “watch out!” but it was too late.
May 4, 2010 at 6:27pm Re: love yes life is fabulous. we are moving to a new house at my dad's with his new girlfriend. my new school is good. lacrosse season is almost over. :( |
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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