Thursday, July 22, 2010

Saturn enters Libra

 Rolled up all tight like that at the foot of Ana Purna,
Saturn throws his outer rings like a ring toss game at a carnival up
 and over the summit.

           me ?   a cup half full&

 A sow bug armored in grey ribbed shell,
 chanting a Soul Coughing tune over and over again like a mantra.

 Translating the Tibetan Book of the Dead into Arabic.
  Covering my eyes with a pillow of mist .
  Traveling this last path as I grab handlfuls of huckleberries off tender limbs.
  I set the bar to match 14 thousand feet where peak meets heaven where 
  the finest gasses of atmosphere shift
  and change into soulfulness. 

Chanting down Babylon&
 rocking back &
 the pingy pangy sound of the tap of my foot 
against the glass door that separates us
 from our fate.