Tuesday, March 30, 2010

6 in the morning ode to the sea swell and the setting moon

Now let me speak to you of wetness
Flow of creek

 All life
might spring forth from water but what of the wetness of
What of the space between our legs
The place where heaven begins
Where water pours forth
often to bring joy and pleasure?

The precursor to child birth?
Child sprung in fluid and blood and clean clean water
Wetness surrounded
 womb and now
in womanhood.

The wetness that just is there
The amniotic fullness of
Yolk suspended in viscous clarity.

 swimming toward some unknown form
 of ecstasy and  release
 squeals of delight that often resemble falling rain or
 the wail of wild cat   mourning wife or mother

     the call to prayer

A cry to Christ or  Allah   the Buddha crossing river

The dew drop in its fall from cloud.

The mist rested upon limb.

Steam vents rising through forest canopy.

A face seen in a puddle sky behind this face.

Squall dark ascending.

Vertical water descending.

Waterfall that flows from the hearts desire to a pool
of clear passion.

Revived by a sparking of blossomed garden.

The faucet opened by the hands of myself
as I reach for this transformed spirit.

released by my sorrow.

My Wetness met by tears shed under night sky and full moon.

 Face covered in salt my black
 shirt stained with white rings of dried salt from this crying

Flooded marsh.

Torrential current.

Spring .